Friday, April 16, 2010

Geriatric Ratties

In rat years, my ratties are senior citizens. They are almost 2 years old which is the average life span of a ratso. I don't like to think about it but I can't ignore it. I am dreading the day when my knitting buddies pass to the Rainbow Bridge. I haven't decided yet if I can take the heartbreak again and adopt some new little squishies. Though I probably will as I dearly love my ratties. As I am approaching this crossroad with my guys, it is important for me to know how to take care of geriatric ratties. Here is a very good article on the care of an aging rat.

Rats live a short, fast & furious and joyful life. Instead of dwelling on the end, I believe that I will enjoy the now with my little loves and live life with them as they do - enjoying every precious moment.

Until next time...Knit...Purl...Rat!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you - Thank you for listing the Rainbow Bridge poem. I had heard or read it years ago and have never known the title. Having lost several wonderful loving pets I had longed to find the poem. No one knew what I was talking about when I asked about it and to be honest, I think some of them thought I was "dotty" to want a poem about a departed pet.
    I am typing this with tears running down my face - and I am so grateful for your kindness to present the poem link here. I think your ratties are very lucky fur balls to have such a nice pet parent!
